A review by multicoloredbookreviews
Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins


Oh, Kai. How could anyone not love you?
Getting to look and dig around Kaidan head is the best! Never a dull moment in there! I totally read his POV's in my head in a British accent, and it's bloody brilliant! Written awesomeness, right there. Wendy you're the best!

Merged review:

Oh, wow. So much angst! so much drama! so much luuuuurve! ;)
The stakes keep getting higher and higher, and the tension and expectation rise right along with it! When the "plot cord" snaps it's gonna be so EPIC! I can't wait.
I can definitely say that I fell in love with Kaidan in this book. He still drove me crazy and made me want to hit him, but he can be soooo sweet (and is really cute when he gets all jelly). He's a total dreamboat (and let's not forget the accent! *dreamy sigh*). Anna grew up quite a bit too, and is now more mature and wise. And we got to meet new secondary characters! yay! besides getting to know the ones we already knew, better, like Kope and Blake. Oh, Blake. I totes love you too! you're awesome, brah!
Another thing that's really good about this trilogy is how the different accents are well portrayed, especially where the Brits are concerned. I absolutely love it when the British characters use slang, and Anna has no idea what they mean! And, yes, I melt every time Kaidan says "luv".
This book was squee worthy and totally amazing! Not a single complaint here! Actually, no, that's a lie. What the hell is up with the expressions of the couple on the cover?! Especially the girl! what's that face about?