A review by aboutthatstory
Fire Down Below by Debra Anastasia


This was just crazy and obnoxious and funny as hell! All those things that happen you don't want to talk about or admit too, they were covered. I felt like a 10 year old reading something I shouldn't and I enjoyed ever second of it.

In the midst of the madness is this insane cast of characters that are so outrageously over the top you can't help but love them. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. Let me be clear, this was was over the top, potty mouth, ridiculous humor... if farting offends you, look away! I could not get enough of it because in the middle of it all, there was still this real girl with insecurities and I liked her a lot. There's a solid story mixed in with all the awkward. This was just ridiculously entertaining and so wrong in so many ways! It was full of raunchy potty mouth name calling, it was way (way!) over the top but at some point I didn't even care because it just all worked.

We've got a some wacked out friends, a sweet but loud pharmacist, a sausage eating neighbor, The Anastasias (holy crap I want to have a drink with this author in real life!) and a psycho cat. What's not to love?! I don't want to say more because I don't want to spoil it but by the end, I might have been rooting for the sausage eater.

One last thing… after reading all this madness and thinking “what the hell did I read and WHY did I like it?” one more thing happened – freaking cliffhanger. For real, I couldn't believe it. Figures. ;-)

Sign me up for more crazy because I need book 2 as soon as possible!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.