A review by sjj169
Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran


Claire DeWitt is probably one of the most unique characters I've ever read in a mystery book. She has a "bible" that she goes by written by her idol French detective Jacques Silette, she doesn't mind using a few drugs to enhance her abilities, and she believes she is the world's greatest detective.
Several of those very qualities got on my nerves at times during the book.
Lord, forgive my sins, of which there are too fucking many to count.
Then there were times I liked her. She fully admits her troubles and does not mind if people think she is bat shit crazy.

New Orleans after the storm...

A respected DA goes missing and his nephew hires Claire to find out what happened to him. He went missing a few days after Katrina hit and no one wants to talk about what happened to him.
"The client already knows the solution to his mystery. But he doesn't want to know. He doesn't hire a detective to solve his mystery. He hires a detective to prove that his mystery can't be solved."

New Orleans is really the star of this book. That mystical city is showcased here in a way that most books just don't begin to touch on.

It's a haunting book that's not fast paced but rather streams along and pushes you to think about the why's and why not's of a person's disappearance.