A review by eileen9898
Command Me by Geneva Lee


I picked this one up, because I never read an erotic novel before and I wanted to see what the hype around them is about, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. Also this book was everywhere (in Germany) and I wanted to see why it was hyped so much.

It was a quick read and, of course, nothing to take too seriously.
The book comes across like a typical Wattpad story and is as badly written as one. It is not well developed, the characters solve their problems with sex (so not at all) and everybody is conveniently rich ,to show how our leading lady does not care about wealth, is “not like other girls“- which, of course, makes her the perfect match for the dark and troubled prince. Really all the main couple does, is either talking about sex, having sex, complaining about their families or talking about how their relationship is wrong and they are going to ruin each other. The story is full of clichées and you will roll with your eyes multiple times through out this story, because the characters (especially the “royal“ family) are so damn stupid and unrealisticly written. You don't really get to care about the characters either, even though both main protagonists have some serious issues from their past to deal with. The story ends with kind of a cliffhanger, but I am not going to continue with the trilogy, because I simply do not care.

I think I understand why these books are so popular, but if all them are as badly written as this one, I am not seeing myself reaching for them in the future (if there even is something like “good“ erotic literature).

[I am sorry for any obvious and not so obvious typos, english is only my second language.]