A review by alexabookish
Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell


1.5 stars. i was just looking for a fun time crime thriller, similar to karin slaughter’s Grant County series, so i just grabbed this audiobook from the library on a whim. and what did i just read? like i’m shocked at some of the stuff that was in here. the plot was honestly so random and convoluted, truly just a bunch of stuff thrown together. and as this is a middle book in a series (as in same characters, but the mysteries are standalones) these characters have well established relationships. so imagine my shock, surprise, and horror when it’s revealed that one of the main characters sexually assaulted the main character in a previous book. AND he comes back in this one, and everyone is basically an assault apologist. even her husband was all buddy buddy with him. i’m sorry but it was just such a terrible message, and it truly made me seethe. seeing this character just come back, and have everyone 100% excuse and forgive him?! why would an author ever do that to such an established character in their series. anyway, there were a couple other offensive things in here too. if you’re looking for crime books, i suggest Karin Slaughter.