A review by blodeuedd
The Copper Promise by Jen Williams


By Loki, do you not all get tired of me saying "I expected more." Well, I bloody did!

Now it was good, but never ventured into amazing, never rose above good. Good is good of course, but even good books have cool moments. Well this one did not have. So it turned into one of those, yes I enjoyed it, it was good, I could even recommend it but I will not read more. I am happy to leave it like this. Sometimes a good book is just that, good.

It was about 3 people. A Lord who had been tortured and wanted revenge. A woman thief. A knight who had been kicked out from his company and now is a sell sword. Those last two help the lord find something, and by finding it something bad gets unleashed. So now they gotta fight that too.

Magic, death, demon, dragon, war, freaky women soldiers. Evil guys. All in all a fun ride that ended and could have ended just like that. Sure there would have been a few loose end, but it could have been a stand alone so I will treat it like that and not look back.