A review by horse_oats
Woke Up Lonely by Fiona Maazel


Disclaimer: Did not finish this book--didn't get through the first 25 pages in fact--so I'm rating it based on my immediate qualms with it, and judging by other reviews, it seems that it's not worth holding out for. Too many other books to read. Ain't nobody got time for this.

Immediately I got angry at this book's vague exposition, the deliberately concealed motives, and the ham-handed way the book was written made me skeptical that Maazel was capable of delivering on my ability as a reader to delay gratification. She throws us readers into the story with little to no footholds or context. Oh, intrigue in North Korea? Ex-wife in a fat suit disguise rendezvous-ing with some guy named Jim who immediately starts rattling off acronyms and in-the-weeds descriptions of task forces? Orient me a little better and maybe I'll have more patience for this.