A review by daydreamer45
The Disorderly Knights by Dorothy Dunnett


I only hav e one word of any relevance: more!

SpoilerThat might nake me a terrible person (it probablt does, that's alright with me) but I was okay with ditching the baby since Lymnd can't be sure until he finds him, whether his son is still alive or even rral. Kind of didn't enjoy Philippa giving Gabriel this chance iof escape.

“Jerott, for God’s sake! Are you doing this for a wager?’ said Lymond, his patience gone at last. ‘What does anyone want out of life? What kind of freak do you suppose I am? I miss books and good verse and decent talk. I miss women, to speak to, not to rape; and children, and men creating things instead of destroying them. And from the time I wake until the time I find I can’t go to sleep there is the void—the bloody void where there was no music today and none yesterday and no prospect of any tomorrow, or tomorrow, or next God-damned year.”

“What’s wrong? Has Francis been rude? Then you must try to overlook it. I know you wouldn’t think so, but he is thoroughly upset by TE’s death; and when Francis is troubled he doesn’t show it, he just goes and makes life wretched for somebody.”