A review by onmelsshelves_
Go to Sleep by Helen Walsh


Go To Sleep is the story of single new mum Rachel who begins to suffer from insomnia after the birth of her baby, Joe. Despite feeling utterly exhausted and well meaning advice from those around her telling her "to sleep when the baby sleeps", she is unable to let herself rest. We hear from Rachel's point of view of being driven mad by a baby who is constantly hungry, crying and won't sleep, but is this the truth or is her perception being distorted by her lack of sleep? Determined to prove to those around her, the midwives, her father, friends that she is capable of looking after her baby, she refuses help and battles on until she finally breaks down.

I downgraded the rating from five star to four stars after re-reading. I first read this book in 2011 when it was first released and gobbled it up within a few days. At that point, I didn't know anyone with children or read anything about motherhood that showed it such a light. On a second read, I found Rachel pretty frustrating and unlikeable. Even before giving birth, she has a big chip on her shoulder and acts as though she is superior to everyone around her. Usually, there are some redeeming qualities or ways that an author will make you like a character despite their flaws but with Rachel I found none. That made the book slightly less enjoyable this time around.

One of the things I loved most was the way that Liverpool is almost a character itself in the book. The way Walsh describes the city and sets the scene devoid of any stereotypes you would usually associate with it, made me really want to visit.