A review by bluepigeon
Angelic #2, by Caspar Wijngaard, Simon Spurrier


Qora teams up with Complainer to look for the eye of Ay. Now if that didn't make any sense, you have to read it. Even better than the first one, Qora, the gilrmonk of the Monks (monkeys) unwillingly accepts a proposal from the Mans (manatees) to look for the lost eye of their god, Ay. The Monks are worshipping humans, basically, who are long gone, it seems. Mans worship (kinda) Ay, but they also control Ay (or even turn it off when it suits them). But Ay seems to be malfunctioning, so they need this eye thing to fix it. Why Qora? Because they see that she is a complainer, like Complainer, asking a lot of questions about why the Monks are doing the things they are doing, why the gilrmonks have to get married and lose their wings to become mothers, and so on. Basically, Qora and Complainer are both curious and rebellious. The Mans believe that the Monks remember more of what happened in the past, during the war (presumably between the humans and the AI?) and that the "lore" they all memorize and live by hides tid bits about actual events and possibly where the eye is.

Lots of fun to read. Great colors and paneling, fun characters. Will continue to read!