A review by anotherhel
Deep by Kylie Scott


So, pregnancy uh. I was so surprised! That was a nice change in the series. And Lena and Jimmy are having a baby too! That's so adorable. Finally some new plot devices!!

We finally get to know a little bit more of Ben, other than his Lumberjack appearance. And... I get him. I know people like him, that their work or hobby is their passion and they never would imagine their lives being any different. But the romance seemed… meh. Rushed. This time we don’t get the same thing as the other books and that’s awesome, but this time there isn’t really a build up? Like they already met, and then we get how their relationship came together through a flashback. Basically they talk a lot on the phone and one night in vegas they fuck and theeeen they go out their merry way. That’s it. The only tension there is, it’s sexual and that’s really it. They don’t make each others better, they don’t help each other out with some problem about their past, they don’t fall in love by accident,.... they just.. sort of get together. That’s... boring. I would expect the story to go more deeply where the problem was… Ben’s worry about not giving his all to his music. To somehow leaving it behind because of falling in love. It barely scratched the surface.

So perks for the pregnancy surprise, the romance/relationship…. meh.

Also the delivery of the baby? Common now...  I'll Just quote it because.... Jfc is this bad

" “Argh!” My poor innocent vulva opened dreadfully, horribly, unnaturally wide. And then plop, the rest of my baby’s body slid out into the waiting arms of Dr. Peer. A moment later, a truly annoyed little cry filled the air, tiny baby fists flailing. "

So babies are born with a big plop and they're out. Great.

The end felt rushed again.... Tbh i read better fanfics than this

After reading this series, I think Lead and Play were my favourite ones. And then there’s Lick. And this one in last. Kinda disappointed, but still readable .

It's a big meh.