A review by shirleonelsie
A Fractured Light by Jocelyn Davies


This book was better then the first one. It was still very formula-like and unoriginal, but I enjoyed it more as a story.

I don't have a list, at least, not like the other one, that will be nicely laid out. I used Post-It's last time, this time I was too absorbed. I'll try mt best though...

1. Skye and Asher end up together. Asher=dark angel. This is pretty typical for the girl protagonist - choosing the not so good guy as her boyfriend.
2. When she is hurt, she's whisked away to a remote location to heal, also pretty normal.
3. BFF eventually finds out, though I'm surprised that it happened later in the book then I thought.
4. Totally guess about Jo.

Like I said, not as refined as the other list. I like what I get out of doing the Post-Its, but I find that I miss the book too much when I do that. I like to just read without interruption (minus the normal daily things - shower, eat, work, stuff like that) but stopping to take notes about the book, make me feel that I'm not giving my all to it. It feels staggered. Sometimes I feel compelled to take notes, if the book is either absolutely horrible or if things just stand out that I want to write about.

Anyway, back to the book. I like the inner turmoil that Skye goes through. She's not totally sold on joining the Rebellion but she doesn't ever feel the need to join the Order. (If I were her, I'd go with the Rebels, I think what the Order does isn't fair.) Her struggles feel more normal and real in this book as compared to the first. Things happened too quickly in book one and she was making too many rash decisions. In book two, she seems to take her time, and she also makes her own decisions and doesn't let Asher or Devon make them for her. She stops letting them order her around.

Speaking of Devon, he gives me the creeps. He says he loves her, but I do believe it's because he's brainwashed by the Order. He doesn't understand love as apart of the Order, but maybe he'll learn now that he's switched sides (sorry, a bit of a spoiler, but come on, we all saw it coming).

I meant to add that I like that Davies left the visions unfulfilled. Some of them anyway. There's a vision Skye keeps having about being on a beach and it didn't happen yet in the series. It'll happen in book three, but the exposition of it in book two makes me feel anxious and that's a good thing.