A review by slimeandslashers
The Reaping by Bernard Taylor


3.5 stars rounded up.

I had a fun time reading The Reaping. It was definitely well-written, and there was also a nice twist at the end. But some readers might be able to guess that twist just before it's revealed. It was certainly good, and I liked it...I just didn't LOVE it. It was enjoyable for what it was but a little too subtle for my tastes. It did have a creepy and eerie atmosphere, though. I just would have liked a little more depth in regards to some of the characters (and with some of the scares too).

When I read Will Errickson's new introduction which stated that the book contained a "disturbing massage of George Costanza-like proportions," I laughed out loud. I also wondered if that was truly an accurate description of the scene in question. When I got there, I soon found out that Errickson was not exaggerating in his Seinfeld comparison..."I think it moved!" Thus, the only I could think about during that scene in the book was that hilarious episode, haha!