A review by katmorrisey
The Sweethearts' Knitting Club by Lori Wilde


3.5 stars

I liked this one. And I'll be continuing this series. However, Flynn did bother me a little bit in the way she didn't stand by Jesse when she should have. (At the town meeting I wanted to throw the book across the room! OMG!!) And I thought that Jesse gave Flynn too many chances, but then, he loved her. And well, I guess he had to forgive her, eventually. So there's that. :D

Beau was a jerk and I wish we had more info on what happened to him, given what is discovered about him in the book. And the epilogue was cute (I just love good epilogues!!). I just wish I saw more of Jesse and Flynn in it, because once she got her head out of her butt, I wanted to see more of the two of them, together. It just seemed to wrap up rather quickly. (but then, I'm greedy when it comes to wanting more from fictional characters, LOLOL)

I'll be grabbing the second in this series soon enough. Can't wait to see what else happens in Twilight, Texas.