A review by geo_ix
The Beast by J.R. Ward


Okay, so half a star was removed for the price. On kindle this is $17 and while it's over 500 pages I just cannot justify that as a purchase, you know? BUT you can get it for $15 on book depository so it's not TOO horrendous. So it's not really half a star off more like a quarter or something. Whatever. Shh.

But then it HAD to go down to four stars because I have a serious hate for the way this serious is literally a big fucking advertisement space. I don't think the guys (besides maybe Z, and some others at times) are all that different personality wise because they all TALK the same.

I DO however love that even in the paranormal, urban fantasy world that is BDB, there's still very human issues. This book tackled a lot of them to be honest, and so much happened. There's loss, major depression and multiple near suicides, seduction, the uncovering of a glymera member with a blood slave, the possibility of child loss, some uncovering of two characters connected to bloodlines of Brothers and a whole lot of shit.

A lot of the time I was weary of how they talked about adopting Bitty. They get very wrapped up in the idea of it without really (at first, for a very long time) going over the fact Bitty and her choices and feelings should be the main focus. Mary and Rhage kept getting tangled in the idea that she was the perfect daughter for them and it made me very wary.

There's also the issue with The Beast in this, he seems the title. I think with Rhage's depression, the Beast may have been too, because he was a little out of control (but not really as he came out twice the whole damn book, hello!) and I'll admit, when Bitty sees the 'dragon' it's adorable. I loved seeing her meet the brothers, especially Z.

Now, on my last note, I swear, if I don't get Layla and Xcor next I'm going to probably beat the shit out of somebody. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is lined up in this book. Xcor can atone for his sins by defeating the douche nozzle, and with the uncovering of his family ties to the brotherhood, there will be issues considering who he's connected to and how they feel about him. God. Just give it to me. And more of the new kids because that shit was good. I like the younger people.