A review by sfujii
Conviction by Kelly Loy Gilbert


This was a 3.5 star for me.

I really liked the overall plot. The story was complex and interesting. I definitely liked how things were revealed slowly and that just when you thought you had all the pieces- you didn't. I think the author did a really good job, specifically with Braden, exploring the psychological struggle that happens in abusive relationships. I felt that was well done and very compelling.

What I struggled with was the religious piece and the baseball piece. I think that having both, in addition to an already complex story, felt forced at times. I always till my eyes at YA that uses a sport as a structure, so I felt that way from the get. But while the religious angle fed more into the struggles of the protagonist, it also felt a bit heavy handed and overdone at times.

There were also a few parts where I felt like Braden was a totally different character- one who didn't fit or match with who his character had been set up to be.

I would definitely recommend this book, though, as I enjoyed the story itself!