A review by jmanchester0
The Shrinking Man (Richard Matheson's the Shrinking Man) by Richard Matheson, Ted Adams


This is based on the book written by Richard Matheson in the 50s. And from what I understand, it follows the plot (and structure) pretty close.

At first it was interesting. Great use of perspective!

And I thought the structure of the timeframe was excellent. The way it started in media res (kinda). And jumped back and forth.

But then it got a little weird when it got into his relations with his wife. And the creepy dude who tried to pick him up because he thought he was a 12-yr-old boy.

This was less than halfway in, and it never seemed to recover. It just kind of lost me.

I'm not sure if this is something that is because of the original story, or if it was the adaptation. I'll have to read the novel to find out.

Great idea. Strong start. Weak finish.

Thanks to NetGalley and IDW for a copy in return for an honest review.