A review by cyireadbooks
The Camp by Nancy Bush


The Camp was a pretty forgettable read for me. I struggled through most of it and it was very tempting to quit on several occasions. But since I got to the point of no return (56%,) I was forced to continue till the end.

I’m not going to offer my rendition of the story since I barely remember the plot. And the description doesn’t quite come close to what occurs in the novel.

There were numerous characters and I lost track of who’s who. Luckily, there were some carryover characters from Bush’s previous novel (The Babysitter. A 5 star read for me) that provided some context into Emma’s disability.

The novel is basically a whodunit. But with several tangential storylines, I struggled with the flow and direction of the narrative. And the lackluster ending really didn’t help boost its appeal. I just felt as though the author was forced to churn out another novel for the sake of churning out another novel. Two excruciating stars.

I received a digital ARC from Kensington Books through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.