A review by natneedsbooks
Delay of Game by Maggie Rawdon


3.5 Stars
I liked this one, I really did, but me and Ms. Rawdon do not see eye to eye on endings. I didn't feel satisfied with the end of the first one, and this one left a little still to want as well.
Liv and Liam were great in the first book as best friends. I love learning more about their story in this book and how they came to be where they are. Liam is great to Liv and they move into their new roles easily while using the protection of it being "lessons." I loved their time together. What I didn't like was how Liv comes across a bit desperate while Liam pushes her away and then he doesn't make a big enough gesture to fix it for me. He needed to do more groveling, more showing her he was sorry and that he did love her. And don't get me started on that end. "Husband role??" But no ring and no question so he doesn't pressure her. Lame!