A review by galian84
Love Me, Don't Leave Me: Overcoming Fear of Abandonment & Building Lasting, Loving Relationships by Michelle Skeen


I read this book on and off throughout the period of a few months, sometimes getting distracted, sometimes sitting back to reflect on what I had read. For a long time, I thought I might have abandonment issues as a result of my upbringing and many of my early experiences, but it didn't quite hit me until I did something I regretted. I then thought to seek some help because that behavior had become a recurring pattern, and found this book.

It forced me to confront some self-sabotaging, negative behaviors and thought patterns, and forced me to take a good, long hard look at myself, hard as it was to admit. This book it not for passive reading, it will ask you to keep a journal and write things down. I found that immensely helpful to come to terms with sabotaging behaviors. Remember, healing isn't an overnight process. The journey continues, but this book has inspired me to seek out professional therapy to address my abandonment issues and all that's come with it.

Writing is easy to read and the chapters flowed well. The author intersperses her own personal stories that relate to the next topic she's going to talk about.

Two of the biggest things I took away from this: Be like the sky, and your negative thoughts are clouds that you acknowledge and let pass you by. And do the opposite of what you're naturally inclined to do once your core beliefs are triggered.

Great read and I'd recommend it for anyone who suspects they may have abandonment issues, or low self-esteem!