A review by wodime
Dropnauts by J. Scott Coatsworth

Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.
you know what? i like to try be kind to indie authors, especially those writing about marginalised experiences and who are marginalised themselves... but MY GOD this book got on my nerves. and what really got me was that it pitches itself as having a diverse cast, but then undermines basically all of that "representation" except for the cis, able-bodied white people. it repeatedly deadnames its trans female protag, it can't go two mentions of its paraplegic protag without mentioning how ~brave~ she is for being disabled, and even the cis white gays basically turn to the camera and tell us that they are colossal homosexuals. and i stopped reading when one character asked another if she's chinese, just so the author can let the reader know they're basically beyond caring about race now. really cool. really diverse. cis white gays, do better!