A review by books_brownies_etc
Welcome to Your Life by Bethany Rutter


Welcome To Your Life
By Bethany Rutter

Welcome To Your Life tells the story of Serena Mills, a thirty year old woman who has just jilted her fiancé (of 10 years) at the alter. Now what!? Moving to London to stay with her fabulous fashionista friend Lola, of course!

Serena vows to make the most of her singledom - setting herself the goal of going on 52 dates in 52 weeks! Navigating single life in London as a fierce, fat and totally fantastic woman sees Serena facing highs and lows, while discovering new friendships and a sense of confidence she didn’t realise she was capable of.

I loved this book - just like I knew I would. The ‘chaotic woman needs to make huge changes in her life’ is a favourite trope of mine and I really enjoyed Bethany’s take on it. I really related to Serena - as a plus sized woman, I found following her journey towards becoming more confident to be super empowering, the topic of positive body image was handled perfectly and felt like a breath of fresh air!

I really like books set in London, as I can imagine myself in the same places as the characters, in this book our MC visits Walthamstow which is where I grew up - all of the details were totally spot on and I could really feel that Bethany was writing about what she knows and most importantly, what she loves!

I do have one teeny weeny complaint - I didn’t like Henry at all - he cringed me out and I found him to be really spineless (sorry