A review by elblackwell
A Gentle Feuding by Johanna Lindsey


I mean, who DOESN'T want to read a spot (or five) of marital rape in the morning? I sort of feel like this weird project of reading and then reviewing a bunch of romance novels is backfiring on my greatly. After the delightful first one with William Wallace, and then the super boring one that ended up being a DNF, and then the third venture, the fourth venture is one that actually made me vaguely nauseated in parts? WHY did I even bother finishing is the greater question?

I guess I lived in hope that somehow, someway something would justify the rest of the book. But nope. It's basically just a few hundred pages of, "I married you and so I get to have sex with you. In FACT, I will purposefully wait until you're asleep and have sex with you so that when you wake up you'll be so lost to pleasure you'll be inCAPABLE of saying no." Except then she DOES say no, and attempts to get away, and he's like LA LA LET's KEEP GOING.

It's essentially an entire novel of the hero of the story forcing himself on the heroine and insisting she must like it. I honestly don't even think there was even a shade of an actual plot. Mostly just a whole lot of rape.