A review by wynwicket
Crossed Genres Issue 13: Action/Adventure by Kelly Jennings, Timothy Miller, Bernie Mojzes, Athena Andreadis, Colin Harvey, Kay T. Holt, Jason S. Ridler, Bart R. Leib


I took a chance and purchased an electronic version of this issue for my Kindle -- and was thrilled at the results. Seems the stories are just long enough to read during a work-out on the elliptical!

Each of the stories in this issue are science fiction or fantasy with an action/adventure bent. My personal favorite, "Lunch Money," about an outlaw "contract" fighting for worker's rights--in space, with a delicious space-westerny feel to it and great dialogue. I also really enjoyed Athena Andreadis's lyrical "Planetfall". I don't think I always understood what was going on, but it was gorgeously written and terribly romantic.

Looking forward to future issues :)