A review by nferre
People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks


Quite an interesting book about the preservation of a gorgeously illustrated Haggadah; th story follows the path of the book back in time, following clues uncovered by Hannah, the book's conservator. As the book travels through Europe, it is rescued miraculously from banishment and we meet those who treasured it, who wanted it banned and who rescued it. Each period of history is very cleverly explained, the war in Sarajevo, WWII, the Inquisition, etc, are all covered in separate chapters, and bringing them all together is Hannah who traces the history of the book through minute items found in it, the wing of an insect, a bit of stain of saltwater, a hair. The weakness of the book, is the choppiness of the chapters. Right when you "get" the names and place in time of the chapter, it's over and on to the next time period. Hannah and her relationships with her mother and her lover also lacked a bit in depth.

Overall a fascinating read.