A review by jazzyjan94
Matched Trilogy Box Set: Matched/Crossed/Reached by Ally Condie


This review appears on my blog: https://confessionsofabookwormweb.wordpress.com/2015/10/24/book-review-the-matched-trilogy/

I read this book after reading The Divergent Trilogy and Cinder. Several of my friends had read and enjoyed it, and the whole premise of the first book sounded interesting, so I read it.

I was intrigued by the whole concept of the Society and how they choose who people love and when a person’s life ends. However, after a glitch in the Society’s perfect system causes the heroine, Cassia Reyes, to question everything she’s been taught.

Matched was a good introduction to the world of the Society and the characters. I enjoyed how it was from Cassia’s point of view. It was slow moving at times, but I still liked it and it made me want to read the rest of the series to find out what happens. I gave it 3/5 Stars

The second book in the series was Crossed and it was pretty boring, I felt like not much happened and I didn’t like how it was told from both Ky and Cassia’s points of view because it was sometime confusing, there were times when Ky kind of sounded like Cassia and vice versa. It just dragged on, but the last 30 pages was interesting because something actually happened. I gave it 2/ 5 Stars.

I wasn’t going to read the third book, Reached, but I was looking for a book to read and it was the only book that was interesting at the book store I was at, so I bought it. It was interesting to see how Condie wrapped up the series. There was very little action, again it felt like not a whole lot happened. The ending was unsatisfactory, there were just too many loose ends left untied (I can’t go into detail because it is a spoiler.) And there were so many grammatical errors, which is terrible considering it was published by a major publishing company. I don’t know if it is just the edition I have, or if it is in every copy of the book. I don’t know. I am giving it 2/5 Stars because the ending was terrible, not much was resolved in 500 pages(!), and there were so many grammatical errors I was cringing every time I saw it.

The series as a whole was okay, it was not as good as the Divergent trilogy, and the ending was bad (I know I just said that). The third book had a lot of potential but then it just fell flat. I would give the whole series 3/5 Stars, maybe even less.

I really wanted to like this series and the first book was promising, but the rest of the series was disappointing.