A review by holybranches
DC Pride #1 by Sam Johns, Andrew Wheeler, Nicole Maines

adventurous lighthearted fast-paced


I enjoyed that! (I'm writing the reviews in an altered order bc I already put the comic in its plastic cover and so I'm taking the names off wikipedia)

"The wrong side of the looking glass": It was a pleasant surprise to see Trung Le Nguyen's art! I really want to read "The secret fish". I found the ending a bit too corny but it was a good story.
"He's the Light of My Life!": I was very confused with this one, I did not understand who was who and the relationships among them, I'm sorry kaljdf
"By the Victors": The nazi homophobic vampire... qué decir.
"Clothes Makeup Gift": Really liked the Flash character hehe
"Try the Girl": My favourite one!!!!! I was so intrigued by Question, I hate that it's this thing where she's not her own character but rather the reiteration of another previous one (I don't know how that works but, you get me, there are several Questions etc) but I would definitely read more from her !! I love the design and I love that she's Renee Montoya from Birds of Prey aaaaa I loved that one so much
"Be Gay, Do Crimes": I agree, the "queer talk" was a choice.
"Another Word for a Truck to Move Your Furniture": That was cute! It did have the bonus points of me being invested in their relationship already, but I enjoyed the themes it talked about.
"Date Night": I was a bit confused with this one too, even though I should know by now my Supergirl facts aklshd
"Love Life": I thought this one was cute too!

So, in general, I would say this one did its purpose because it did get me interested in reading more about some characters and I saved some tv shows on HBO (even though, lets face it, I'm not watching them anytime soon, but it's the intention that counts!)