A review by inwonderland49
The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

My Thoughts

Oh my goodness, I loved this book! I'm slowly getting through all of Kasie West's books and I am loving them! So far I've read: The Distance Between Us, By Your Side, and now The Fill-In Boyfriend. I have On The Fence on my TBR pile for this month and then I have to buy the rest of hers that are out! But I'm loving this Kasie West kick I've been in.

This one is another 4.5 stars for me. And it's not surprising, for the same damn reason as By Your Side and that is because I didn't care for the friendships that Gia had in this one. They weren't stellar at all. So, I'm hoping that in some of her later books that changes. But so far I haven't really cared for most of the friendships the main characters have.

Regardless of the lack of great friendships. I loved everything else about this one. I loved the fake relationship which is my next favorite trope right under the hate to love trope! I loved Gia and even though I didn't love her friends at the beginning of the book, the friend she makes through this book, Bec, I absolutely loved! I wouldn't mind seeing a story around Bec at all!

As for the romance... I loved the romance between Gia and the Fill-In (I'm leaving his name out because it's better that way and I don't want to ruin it for you!) They're so sweet together and they become friends while they're doing the fake relationship and then they fall for each other and it's just so great.

The only other issue I had with this book was Gia's family. They are super problematic. I am happy that they are present, but they kind of suck. But I get why Gia is the way she is and does the things she does because of who raised her.

If you're a contemporary romance fan definitely give Kasie West a shot!