A review by dianed
Lady, It's Cold Outside by Deb Marlowe


It’s the Christmas Season and Glenna Barton has been summoned by the Duke of Danby, and none too soon. Her grandfather has dies and she has just finished closing his bookshop. Aided by Hestia Wright, she has clothes and a carriage to take her to the Duke’s home. Alexander Murray, Baron Ellsworth is also on his way to Danby Castle. He is hoping to sell off some valuable books to make enough money to keep his estate afloat.
Partway through the journey, both coaches are stopped at a bridge that has flooded and they have to wait for the water to recede before continuing their journey. One more carriage has been stranded. This one contains a small boy and his nursemaid. When they reach an inn the maid abandons the boy, Dowd, to go drinking with the carriage drivers. Glenna takes the boy under her wing and the two of them meet Alex. Dowd is afraid he will miss Christmas. He is going to his grandmother’s but he doesn’t know her name and won’t tell them his name. To cheer him up, Glenna gets the inn keeper to let them make gingerbread to share with all the patrons of the inn.
The next day, the bridge is passable but Alex’s driver and Dowd’s nursemaid have taken both carriages and blocked the bridge. Luckily, Alex is going to the same place as Glenna and since no one knows where Dowd is going they take him with them. Over the course of the journey, they spread Christmas Cheer at each inn they stop in for the night. Dowd is happy and Glenna and Alex are becoming closer.
Anyone who has read a book that contains the Duke of Danby knows that a happy ending is in the works and this is no exception. It’s always interesting to see how the Duke will get things arranged. Even when he seems to have nothing to do with the match – you always know he had a hand it in somehow.
It seems strange to sit in the heat of July reading a book about Christmas but this was an entertaining and quick read. IF you love Deb Marlowe or the Duke of Danby you’ll want to read this latest adventure.