A review by cozyesther
Bad Blood by John Sandford


I think I stared off at a wall for a long long time after I finished this book.

The end was when shit hit the fan, rained down and hit the fan maybe a couple more times before settling. Only this book was anything but settling. This one might be the most disturbing book I've read in the series so far.

This time, in the fourth book of the Virgil Flower series, Virgil is looking into a case where a high school star athlete with his life planned and perfect in front of him is jailed after murdering a man for unknown reasons. A good kid with no past history and definitely no known motive. Later on, that teenager dies, "suicide". When Virgil looks deeper into the suspicious deaths, another body appears.

As Virgil tries to connect the three bodies, he slowly uncovers a disturbing secret. And in a small town where every other house seem to be in on some secret and nobody talking, it gets very hard to track down and pinpoint what exactly is going on here.

I loved this book. I really hated the theme behind the plot. Quite disliked the ending, people who deserved to rot in prison ended up managing to flee. But when you uncover a cult, it's like turning the light on in a room full of roaches. Some get killed but there's always some that manage to escape into a random part of your house and start up over again.

Loved the book. Loved the crazy gunfight towards the end. There wasn't just LIES, it was a giant web of lies that half the town was in on. Fast-paced book and no putting it down.