A review by regferk
The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria


This book as been on my reading list for a long time but it was moved to the top a few weeks ago when a distant relation of mine sent one of those hate/chain emails with a picture of President Obama holding a copy of the book. The message read:

"THIS WILL CURDLE YOUR BLOOD AND CURL YOUR HAIR! The name of the book that Obama is reading called: The Post American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim. "Post" America means the World After America! Please forward this picture to everyone you know, conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican, Folks we need to be aware of what our President is reading and thinking -- or planning!

"We must expose Obama's radial ideas and and his intent to bring down our beloved America!"

I immediately sent a reply back to my relative saying, "Thanks for bringing this to my attention. As a naturalized American citizen, Fareed Zakaria has always had a very unique perspective. I found the book listed on good reads with rating of 3.85 on a scale of 5 (with over a sample of over 4,000 ratings). Sounds like it might be a really good book."

There are so many things wrong with the email, but I'm going to just stick with the topic of the book. Now after having read it, I wish I had forwarded my comment to everyone on the email thread and not just replied only to sender. Everyone should be reading this book and I'm very glad to know that our President has read it. The book is not about the decline of America although there are some things things you can definitely point to as examples of possible decline. But the book is about the rise of EVERYONE ELSE and how we should respond to that. This is a good thing with great opportunity. Obviously, the author of the hate mail had no idea what the book was actually about. It's very pro-America in its assessments and its recommendations. Although I can find numerous small things to argue and nitpick within the book, I give it a hearty five stars!