A review by lucy_qhuay
The Angels' Share by J.R. Ward


*3.5 stars*

Being a J.R.Ward book, this couldn't possibly be bad. However, I must admit I'm more than a bit disappointed.

I was expecting to have some much needed answers to the questions that were plaguing me, as well as some key developments in certain aspects of the plot.

The truth is that 'The Angels' Share' left me in a worse place than where I was.

I feel like it didn't explain anything and it didn't go nowhere. We still have all the dilemmas and problems we had by the end of 'The Bourbon Kings', only a thousandfold. And, let's not forget, even more jigsaws to solve.

I guess I was expecting this to be similar to BDB, where each book at least gives us the solution to one couple's situation, be it good or bad. It wasn't like that and it definitely frustrated me.

I love possibilities. I love to come up with theories for this and that, especially considering that this is one author that pulls stunt after stunt, completely throwing us out of the game.

But I don't like to be in this limbo where I'm waiting for something meaningful to happen and I only have stuff that aren't necessarily important to me.

I don't know how I feel about Lane being once again on the forefront of the storyline.

On one hand, it makes sense, because he is the one who set himself the goal of saving the godforsaken Bradford family from ruin. On the other hand, I wish other characters had taken that place.

But I did like to see more about characters such as Jeff and Mack, even though there are others I want to know about, such as Gin's daughter, Amelia, Shelby and even Deputy Sheriff Mitch.

Long story short, I am riddled with doubts, questions and conflicted feelings. I certainly hope the 3rd book, 'The Devil's Cut' appeases me and my tortured soul.

It sucks that I have to wait another year to find out.



Holy shit! I NEED THIS BAD!

So, based on the title I think this is gonna be about Sutton and Edward because:

1 - Edward=Beast / Sutton=Beauty/Angel
2 - the deal William made with Sutton, hence the 'share' part