A review by kitty_kat21
Wing Jones by Katherine Webber


I didn't really know what to expect when I picked up Wing Jones, I just knew that it was about a girl who discovers her love for running. I was not prepared for how layered and interesting the story was. However cute it ended up being, there wasn't that wow factor for me, and I find that with most young adult contemporary type books.

Wing Jones is a really lovely character, she is half Chinese and half west African, she has a bigger frame and body size than the average girl and she has unruly curly hair. When a tragedy occurs in her family, she finds that one of the best ways for her to cope is to run, and run she does.

I really liked the cutesy romance that develops and on the whole this book was very cute. I'm just not sure I'm in the mood for young adult cute. I want something a little deeper and I don't think Wing Jones goes there for me. I mean sure there is heartache over Wing's personal losses and struggles in life, but everything works out okay in the end, so I was never really worried.

The best part of this book was the banter between Wing's grandmothers, pudgy LaoLao and sassy granny Dee. They were hilarious and really lifted the tone of the book. One thing I didn't understand though was Wing's visions of a dragon and a lioness. It was a bit bizarre as they didn't serve much purpose, Wing just sees (or imagines?) these visions when she is under stress. I didn't really get it to be honest.

I think overall I did enjoy Wing Jones but it wasn't anything special and ended up being just an average read for me.