A review by missriki
How to Lose a Bachelor by Anna Banks


This is such a fun book! I'm a huge fan of reality dating shows like The Bachelor, and I love books, so I was super excited to have those two things rolled into one exciting story, and Anna Banks has written an absolutely joyful novel. It is said that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and boy, does Rochelle ever feel scorned. I loved all of her crazy attempts to thwart the show's intentions and get sent home, and laughed out loud at the lengths she goes to to be unattainable. But, love is difficult to deny, and Grant is a man in love. Watching he and Rochelle battle it out is pure fun, and the moment they realize there's still love between them is exhilarating.

This book is all sorts of cute, and it's a sweet, clean romance that will appeal to all kinds of romance readers. There's tons of amazing chemistry between Grant and Rochelle that absolutely leaps right off the page. I loved reading about all of the crazy dates and activities the show required, and the author does an excellent job of showing all of the conflict and emotion that goes along with falling in love when you're on display for all of America to see.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how much I loved Maya as a secondary character, and now I'm totally wanting a spinoff book that gives her her own happily ever after! (Pretty, please, Anna?!?)

If you like fun, flirty romance, swoon-worthy moments, and plenty of drama, you'll love HOW TO LOSE A BACHELOR!