A review by calistareads
Almost Time by Elizabeth Stickney, Gary D. Schmidt


This book is about waiting. This boy is excited for the sap to start running so they can make syrup. The days have to get warmer, the nights have to get shorter. Every day it’s wait, wait, wait. Then his tooth gets loose and he has to wait for that to fall out too. But in the end we see time does pass and they do make their syrup.

I wasn’t crazy about the artwork. It feels more like a comic strip and it didn’t help the story for me. This is a beginning book for anyone.

I thought this was more of a winter book and this is about the coming spring and the snows melting. We have nothing to melt, sadly, so not the book I really wanted.

My nephew is about to lose a tooth right now, so he related to the boy in the story. He was also asking, when is the boy going to lose his tooth, over and over. My nephew has a hard time waiting. He gave this about 2 stars. He thought nothing much happens but waiting and breakfast and that’s boring. This tooth of his has been loose for at least a week. I do wonder how much longer it will hold out.