A review by haylisreading
Pulp by Robin Talley


I had so much fun listening to this audiobook! I was totally immersed in Janet’s life in the 1950’s as a young, closeted lesbian during the lavender scare. It’s obvious Talley did a lot of research about that time period for, not only lesbian pulp novels, but also what it was like for gay and lesbian people in the workplace. The detail was incredible, and more than I was expecting before getting into this book.

Now, onto my favorite part.... the lesbian pulp fiction!! While listening to this audiobook I was constantly looking up different pulp novels of the time to read because they sounded like so much fun. (Minus the horrible endings just about all of them had.) Without this book, I would have never even known about the entire world of lesbian pulp novels! So, I thank you, Robin Talley.