A review by atarbett
The Loch by Steve Alten


Things that annoyed me:
- The Scottish dialect. This was really distracting and about half way through the book started to piss me off.
- The "romance" between Zachary and Brandy was so contrived it literally made me want to vomit.

Things that could have been handled better:
- The Scottish history. I like history, and I have enough Scottish blood in me (lowland rather than Highland though) that I would have found it interesting... had I wanted to read a book on Scottish history. But I didn't. I picked up a book about a bloody-thirsty sea-monster. I get that Scottish history plays into the story, but info-dumps were way too long and took to long to actually play a role.
- The murder trial. Perhaps I've watched too much Law & Order, but when there's a murder trial, I expect it to be done right. This one just seemed like a throw-away sub plot and kind of ignored along side the bigger plot of "crazy sea monster eats everyone."

Things I liked:
- ... eh. I can't really thing of anything.

I didn't particularly enjoy this book. I read and loved Meg and when I picked it up I thought this book had promise, but it fell flat.