A review by plantybooklover
Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor by Brad Gooch


This is a good biography of Flannery O'Connor. I can't really say if it reflects her life or not, as I have not read another, but given the amount of research t appears the author put into it, I suspect it is accurate. it is readable, and interesting, even for someone like myself who is quite unfamiliar with her work. I know the titles, but I am unsure I have read her stories. Fear not, I received a complete anthology as well as the biography for Christmas.....

There were some interesting insights into illness, the world of writers, and of course a world prior to the immediacy of computers text messages etc. Flannery had such a correspondence, as most writers of the times did with each other. These days...this sort of thing seem to be lost to the ephemeral quality of electronics....