A review by lindsayclaire
You Remind Me of You: A Poetry Memoir by Eireann Corrigan


When your best friend tells you this is her favorite book, you drop everything else to read it. This was heartbreaking and so beautifully written. My best friend warned me it would be triggering - I did have to stop at multiple pages to take a break and regroup, but it was worth every word. As someone who has suffered from disordered eating for 9 years, I found this memoir to be honest and powerful. Memoirs or novels on eating disorders are difficult, because you never want them to become how-to's for readers, but for me, I really appreciated having a true, honest look into the life of this author. I think this memoir would do more good than harm, and I think it's important for deep, dark books about eating disorders to exist so the people living with one can feel less alone.