A review by cebaute
The Bright Side of Going Dark by Kelly Harms


The depth of this book shocked me. I was not expecting to read such a strong depiction of the importance of mental health and how social media affects it. The Bright Side of Going Dark does a remarkable job at shining a light on social media influencers and how their lives are filtered depictions of what they want you to see. Mia is a popular social media influencer who decides to step awake from her fake world and live in the real world. Paige is someone who avoids interactions outside of her normal day; when Mia walks away from her social media life, Paige takes over. She realizes how nice it is to have such an influence over so many people. This book has so much heart and made me cry a few times.

I received this book from Netgalley to read and review. For more thoughts, check out the Instagram account @BestsLoveBooks.