A review by aliilman
Stormbird by Conn Iggulden


Stormbird, the first volume of the Wars of the Roses series.

Bloody brilliant. Conn Iggulden’s writing made the book a page-turner. My most favourite character has to be Derihew Brewer. Cunning and a unique personality. A man of loyalty. He’s a fictional character, but such character might have existed back then as the king’s / queen’s spymaster.

How’s the story?

It’s 1437. 15 years have passed since the sudden death of one of England’s most renowned kings, Henry V. His prowess in war has garnered success for England during the Hundred Years’ War. His son, Henry VI, had succeeded to the throne at the age of 9 months old. A regency was created to rule the nation while Henry VI was growing up.

Now, Henry is fit to rule the nation. He is also the disputed king of France. Unlike his father, Henry is passive. A gentle bloke, perhaps. The nation grew restless over the manner in which he ruled the nation, especially with the safety of the English over in France in danger of yet another battle with the French.

In order to prevent yet another bloodbath with the French, the English set out a plan for a peace treaty by organising a marriage between Henry and a lady from a royal French family. A couple of years gone by and finally, a peace treaty of 20 years was achieved with the marriage of Henry and Margaret of Anjou, at the expense of Maine going into the hands of the French.

With the news of the treaty spreading throughout the nation, certain powerful figures from other royal English houses are eager to see a different man on the throne. Not helped by the revolts that have broken out, the nation are about to plunge into a civil war spanning a few decades.