A review by lydia506
12th of Never by Maxine Paetro, James Patterson


My thoughts:

*Lindsey, Joe & Baby Girl:
Absolutely loved the birth scene, kinda made me giggle. She was in such denial and I was like “girllllll!”
Baby girl Julie was perf! And then she had a terminal disease (like come on give these characters a break) and then the baby just had curable mono.
Loved seeing Lindsey and Joe navigate the new life as parents, and Lindsey still being the bad ass detective she is!

*Yuki & Jackson:
I am loving the relationship development between Yuki & Brady! I am feeling really good about this one. It’s making me swoon! I am also loving that we are getting more of Yuki being a DA and being a badass in court, even though she has a losing streak going on at the moment

*Cindy & Rich:
The story line between these two lovebirds after their year long engagement ended quite fast. I loved them together, but Rich made some solid points as to why he was done.
I feel like Cindy is getting more pushy lately, and I am not liking it. When it comes to her job as the reporter.
Rich is an amazing detective, and is an AMAZING partner to Lindsey on the job!

I wish we got to see more of her! I would love to see as much of her work as we do of Yukis, and I’m hoping it’s her time to shine soon! The body being stolen from her and then her getting her job taken away and her pay being cut in half was kinda shitty, anyone who knows Claire know she’s a girlboss and would NEVER intentionally let something like that happen. I was LIVID!!!!!!!

Side Note: I am missing Jill & often wonder what the series would be like with her still in it. Also, not mourning Chris as much anymore, but still would have loved to see that plot line work itself out.