A review by ciska
In tweestrijd by Jenna Blum


Found this book in a little library and as I read a book by Blum before it was a pretty safe pick.
I watched the movie Twister back when it was released and had a hard time believing people actually volunteered to chase storms. It is scary! Reading about it in this book with those images in mind made it easy to visualize parts of the story.
I really liked the approach on the bipolar problem of Charles. There was the struggle of the people around hum, their feelings, anger and sadness. Making it that those feelings are legit when you are dealing with a situation like that. But also acknowledging how difficult it is for Charles, realizing what is happening and not being able to do much about it. There is this scene where Karena is telling him what he sees is not real with him replying that for him it is real. That touched me.
I am not sure what to make of the characters though. Karena is decent but not easy to connect to. She is a very panicky, hasty character and I just did not feel it. Charles is as expected but we do not get enough of his story to really connect. Same with Kevin. Obviously the book is story driven but I would have liked a little more connection to the characters.