A review by hasf1998
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return by Marjane Satrapi


I found it a fascinating experience, seeing the life of someone like Marjane in her young adulthood, where there was strife and conflict almost everywhere, particularly as I hadn't read Persepolis 1 yet, but jumped into 2 almost immediately. She somehow found a way to persevere and stay who she was at her core despite some trouble and bad decisions along the way, growing and maturing into a powerful and spirited person, proud of her heritage despite how clouded in danger and restrictions it might have seemed. As a Muslim myself, I found her free spirit, independence and willingness to work hard to balance both her Western side and her Eastern side inspired me immensely, even more so because she was no great figurehead or powerful political entity, just an ordinary-seeming young Iranian woman who was, like so many are within, extraordinary. I have just found the full complete volume of both Persepolis 1 and 2, and I am so looking forward to experiencing life along with Marjane all over again.