A review by mborer23
Answered Prayers by Truman Capote


Capote's most infamous work, the unfinished Answered Prayers finished him both publicly and personally. The work would have been a roman a clef, a collection of thinly-veiled sordid tidbits about the society women (and men) that Capote had grown close to over the course of his life.

The most salacious part, "La Cote Basque," was published in Esquire, which led to Capote's rich friends deserting him. One woman, Ann Woodward, committed suicide after the chapter was published, since it contained a fictionalized account of her shooting of her husband, a shooting ruled accidental in court.

Why would Capote write such a thing, then not follow through? A possible theory is presented in the previously-reviewed Tiny Terror. At any rate, this is kind of an unsatisfying read, as it remains forever unfinished. Recommended for Capote completists only.