A review by tatersandtank
Charming Hannah by Kristen Proby


Welcome Back to Cunningham Falls!

In Charming Hannah we finally get to read Brad's story, whom we've met in the Love Under The Big Sky series. (And, woo-hoo! We get to bump into the familiar faces from that series too!) Brad, who is the newly appointed police chief in Cunningham Falls, finds is difficult to date with his hectic and unpredictable schedule. That, and nobody has really caught his eye. Except for Dr. Hannah Malone, who at one point he believes is already in a relationship with a fellow doctor. When these two finally get together, the chemistry is almost instantaneous. They just get each other and the demands that come with their professions.

One thing that I think needs to be pointed out about this book is the main characters issues with anxiety. Kristen either truly understands what it is like to deal with anxiety or she has done her research really well. As someone who deals with this issue on a daily basis, she got so much right! I loved the way she was able to convey through Hannah what an anxiety attack feels like, that during an episode your brain is literally warring with itself. On one hand, you know that the thoughts and feelings you're experiencing aren't rational but a bigger, stronger part of your brain takes over and you just can't see reason. She does a fine job portraying this issue in a way that is interesting to the story and non-clinical but very accurate.

The thing that disappointed me most about the book was the ending. Now, it might be because I'm greedy and want more of the characters. But it was also the feeling of incompleteness. I felt that the end of the book was unfinished, it just stopped in a weird place for me. I'm hoping that we'll get some closure with Brad and Hannah throughout the other books in the series.

One of the reasons that I always come back to Kristen's books is that there is such a low level of angst or suspense. There are things that happen that make the story interesting and moves the story along but you're not sitting on the edge of your seat, biting your nails wondering what's going to happen next. And sometimes you just need a book like that.

Overall, I think this was another wonderful book from Kristen and I look forward to seeing what else she has planned for the Cunningham Falls gang!