A review by amynbell
Dangerously Ever After by Dashka Slater


If I have to read princess stories, I would like them to all be like this: dark, quirky, and strange. I immediately fell in love with Princess Amanita when I walked into her garden filled with "dangerous" plants and saw her scorpion hair style. If the plant doesn't prick you, stick you, try to eat you, or stink you out, she's not interested. Cactuses, fly catchers, stapelias--yes, please. My 6-year-old daughter and I are very envious of her garden.

"But what does it DO?" she asks when a prince offers to bring roses from his garden. Smelling nice is just not appealing, so she puts the roses in the water with the thorns sticking up out of the water.

The illustrations in the book are beautiful, the storyline is both gothic and silly in parts, and they all live dangerously ever after. Checking this book out of the library wasn't enough; we needed to own this one. I may request it for bedtime more than my child does. ;)

Edit: I think Princess Amanita would love this Poison Garden: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/04/27/525143152/welcome-to-the-poison-garden-medicines-medieval-roots