A review by lmrivas54
Make Me Hate You by Kandi Steiner


After reading two romcoms back to back, I was ready to sink my teeth into an angsty story. And this book filled that need completely! It was all feelings, all yearning, all bittersweet, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Jasmine was abandoned by her drug addict mother and raised by her aunt. She had two best friends, Morgan and Tyler, who were like siblings and their parents were like parents to her. When she started in Bridgechester Prep, feeling lost and unwanted, Tyler came to her and offered instant friendship and acceptance. At lunch, his sister Morgan came to sit with her and announced they were going to be best friends, and so it was. Except that she started to feel more than friendship for Tyler and when he broke her heart, she left New Hampshire after graduation and never looked back.

Now, seven years later, her bestie Morgan is getting married, wants Jasmine to be Maid of Honor and she can’t refuse. So she comes back to face all her ghosts, the guy who broke her heart and the memory of the day her mother abandoned her to pursue her own happiness.

When Jasmine came back for Morgan’s wedding, both she and Tyler have successful careers and partners. But even though both are taken, the old chemistry is still there and it’s turning all their wedding preparation activities into torture. The story of the two weeks before Morgan’s wedding are filled with torturous looks, encounters, bittersweet longing, a little hostility, and a lot of repentance. It feels like forbidden love, but in my opinion it was more a case of not having the gumption to accept their feelings and acting on them. I didn’t like that most of the action on getting close fell on Jasmine; all Tyler did was mostly glower, brood and keep his hands in his pockets.

Even so, I relished all the angst, the intense feelings, and the road to forgiveness and reconciliation. It was a yummy angsty read!