A review by books_plan_create
Stolen Nights, by Rebecca Maizel


Full review can be found here

Even though two years had passed since the initial reading of Infinite Days, I was able to fall right back into the story and not lose too much of the story. Lenah, newly human is still adjusting to her life as a human when she is summoned by a group (gonna leave out the spoiler name) who gives her a choice-either remain human or go back to the 15th century and never become a vampire. If Lenah goes back, she will never again be able to see her lover Rhode. Is this a choice she is able to make?

Well, needless to say, she chooses present day life and all hell breaks loose. She has a vicious vampire after her. One who is hell bent on destroying Lenah's life and acquiring all of Lenah's power and thus becoming the new Vampire Queen. But is she strong enough to defeat Lenah who still has a few tricks up her sleeve? Through it all, twists and turns abound. But the end will leave you breathless and wanting more.

Okay. So while not quite as good as the first, I was still hooked. I actually forgot to eat lunch today because I just had to finish the book! And wow. Let's just say this was one of those rare times where the ending blew me away. I did not see it coming. And I was so happy and relieved because of it! I like surprises :)
And to see that the strange pieces in the novel all matched up in the end was even better. Everything was connected and nothing was left hanging. Which okay, maybe not always good...it does not appear that there will be a follow up. Unless....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx That is totally a spoiler :P Just didn't want to give anything away, but I want to sooooo bad.

Okay, other than squeeing more over my love of this book, I think I will end this for now. But I do want to add that Stolen Nights is still up there in my favorite vamp series ever!

What's your favorite vampire series? And if you've read this book, Vicken? Rhode? Justin?