A review by leahkarge
In Other Worlds by Sherrilyn Kenyon


IN OTHER WORLDS - 4.6 out of 5 STARS

"Fire and Ice" - 5 Stars
Adron...ohhh, Adron, how I love you so. I love a man with scars, a man who is strong, intelligent, and determined. I feel bad for how horrible his life was until Livia came. I love that he protects her from her father and marries her. It broke my heart when he had to be in the hospital and said he wanted a divorce from Livia. And, is it just me, or does he seem like he would be an exceptional lover?

I absolutely loved Livia. I loved how she was unafraid to stand up to Adron all the time when no one else would because they were afraid of his wrath. It broke my heart when she was in a coma from healing him completely. And I love how she always tries to help him, even when he's surly.

My favorite part of the story: when Nykyrian walks in on them naked. Then Tiernan does the same thing later on.

I love Taryn and Tiernan's banter, and Zarina was as hilarious as ever.

I absolutely love when Adron freaks out about Livia talking to Kiara and Zarina about sex. Totally hilarious.

I thought it was cool that Nyk, Kiara, and all their kids show up at some point throughout the story.

I'm glad that Jayce and Adron are on friendly terms again, and I love that Adron and Livia name their baby after Jayce.

I love Devyn's cameo, even if it was only through old videos.

The video from the pregnant woman and her daughter always makes me cry.

I love, too, that this story is longer than the original version, and I love all the new scenes and new dialogue. I'm always up for more of Nyk and his peeps.

"Knightly Dreams" - 5 Stars
I love that this story was about a guy who literally came out of a book for Taryn, and I love the way she was able to rewrite the story for them.

I loved Taryn; she's sarcastic, funny, smart, loving. One of my favorite parts was when she took Hawk to Medieval Times to make him feel somewhat at home in her time.

I absolutely adored Hawk; he's strong, smart, funny, and determined. It was so cute the way he did special things for Taryn everyday for when she came home.

I wanted to beat Alinor for taking Sparhawk away from Taryn.

"Dragonswan" - 4 Stars
The biggest problem for me was the Katagaria prejudice. It drove me insane every time it came up in the story, because after having read all the other Were-Hunter books in the Dark-Hunter series, it's clear to me that Katagaria are better than Arcadians.

I did like Sebastian, though, despite the prejudice towards Katagaria. He was strong, honorable, funny, and loving. I love that he went to get the tapestry to save his brother even though Damos claimed to hate him, and I love how he continually protected Channon.

I liked Channon and thought she was intelligent, funny, and loving. I love how she protected Sebastian and his people in the end. I thought it was hilarious that she thought Damos was Katagaria and pulled a sword on him. I love how she mated Sebastian and it was awesome that she returned his powers with him being half-dead and unconscious.

It was interesting to see more of Damos, and I'm glad to finally get at least a little bit of an explanation about him because the other DH books don't. It would be awesome, too, if he got his own book soon.